Tracker Mortgage Advice in Sunderland

The first question that you might ask is how many different types of mortgages are actually out there for customers?

You’ll find that there are a wide variety of different mortgages that are available to prospective home buyers. Each of these mortgages have their own unique advantages or disadvantages to taking them.

In this article, we will take a look at tracker mortgages and why they might potentially be the best mortgage option for you and your personal circumstances.

Always remember that a mortgage deal will only be as good the circumstances that it is matched up against.

To use this in an example, you may find yourself signed up onto a tracker mortgage, only to later decide that you would rather have fixed monthly mortgage payments. Unfortunately at this point, you are locked into a deal and cannot switch out of it.

As an open & honest mortgage broker in Sunderland, we will always highly suggest that you do some of your own research prior to this, or alternatively take mortgage advice in Sunderland.

A mortgage advisor in Sunderland will be able to make sure that you are at least on the most appropriate mortgage deal for your personal and financial circumstances.

What is a Tracker Mortgage?

So the question on your mind is likely, what actually is a tracker mortgage?

Well, if you are signed onto a contract with a tracker mortgage, your interest rate will run alongside the Bank of England’s base rate, with the lender typically adding a percentage on top of it.

Your lender will not be determining the rate that gets added, as it is an external rate that must be strictly followed.

For example, if the base rate of the Bank of England was around 1% and your mortgage lender adds on another 1%. You’re now running at a 2% interest rate.

The percentage will always be a little bit above the base rate set by the Bank of England.

Will a Tracker Mortgage in Sunderland Benefit Me?

A tracker mortgage works out really well for customers if the Bank of England’s rate is running a little low at the time of application.

Generally speaking the base rate will sit somewhere around 0-1%, though it will rise and drop down again throughout the course of the year.

Back during the unfortunate era that was the credit crunch in 2007/08, the mortgage market completely crashed, which caused the interest rate to skyrocket. The highest we ever saw it go up to was somewhere around 5%.

Bearing in mind that you’ll also have the percentage that your lender will add on top of this, and you could’ve added 6% interest onto your recurring mortgage payments.

On the flip side to this, during March 2020, the mortgage market went through another tough time, this time because of the impact of COVID-19. The opposite happened this time, as here the Bank of England’s rate decreased massively, dropping all the way down to 0.1%.

If you were on a tracker mortgage throughout this period of time, the chances are that you were sitting comfortably on a 1.1% interest rate.

As you might expect for something so good to be true, during this period, new customers couldn’t pick up a tracker mortgage. The reality is, lenders are in the business of making profit, not losing it.

At this moment of writing, we’re just heading towards the end of the Coronavirus, and it is admittedly still difficult to obtain a tracker mortgage.

Taking out a tracker mortgage has both pros and cons. These types of mortgage rely heavily on the economy, so if the market isn’t performing at it’s best and the Bank of England’s rate is high, a tracker mortgage probably isn’t your best option.

Again, by completely flipping the situation, if the economy is performing outstandingly well with the Bank of England’s rate at a lower amount, a tracker mortgage may be one of the better mortgage options for you to take.

Different Types of Mortgages in Sunderland

No matter your mortgage scenario, there are such a wide array of different mortgages that are available to you in Sunderland, it’s just about working with a mortgage advisor in Sunderland to find you the right one.

Before you go ahead and dive into any deals, it is highly recommended for your own benefit to speak with a dedicated mortgage advisor in Sunderland about your possible mortgage options.

They will help you shop for different potential mortgage deals, working hard to find you the most competitive one for your personal circumstances.

If you are a first time buyer in Sunderland, our trusted and refined mortgage advice service will prove to be highly beneficial.

We have been working within the mortgage industry for a very long time, well over 20 years now and have a lot of industry knowledge on all the different types of mortgages, including those that benefit first time buyers the most.

This applies even if you are looking at your options to remortgage in Sunderland or if you are moving home in Sunderland, as we believe that you’ll genuinely benefit from using our invaluable mortgage advice service.

As an mortgage broker in Sunderland with a flood of knowledge and experience, we will work from beginning until end by your side, aiming to be a guiding light throughout your mortgage journey.

Date Last Edited: 13/02/2024